Friday, December 15, 2006

LBE Challenge

Challenge: Create and Program a robot to travel a predetermined course in the quickest time. Try to get the furthest or if finish to do so in the quickest time.

1. Build or modify robot for movement.
2. Build or modify robot with senses (optional).
3. Program robot to complete course.

1. You can measure course and write out commands for robot to complete course.
2. You can give robot sensors and program robot to use sensors to complete course.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Building a Balloon Car

Challenge: Build a car that moves with the power of the balloon. Whose car can go the farthest?

1 Balloon
4 Wheels
2 long pieces for frame
4 (or 2) pieces to attach wheels to frame (so they spin)
Pieces to keep balloon attached to car
Pieces to keep balloon off front wheels and floor

Hints and Notes
1. Your sets don’t have exactly the same pieces so you will have to find similar pieces that do the same thing.
2. The horizontal to vertical bracing - vertical beam connected to two beams with two plates between keeps the model stable. Without horizontal to vertical stability the balloon will knock off the LEGO elements.
3. Light is good. Heavy is bad.
4. Make sure your design keeps the balloon off the wheels and the floor.
5. Make sure your wheels spin.
6. Make sure your balloon stays off the wheels and floor.
7. Make sure your balloon stays attached to the car.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Week 4 - Logo and Drawing

Drawing on the Battle Botz site - click the link and use the "test" area.

Using FMS Logo (this should be on the lab computers). User manual is here.

Basic Logo Commands (which can be used in the command line or in a program)
FD # (Moves the turtle forward # steps, e.g. FD 10)
RT # (Turns the turtle right # degrees, e.g. RT 90)
Penup (Stops the turtle from drawing)
Pendown (Starts the turtle drawing)
Home (Returns the turtle to the starting position in the middle of the screen)
CS (Clear Screen erases the drawing).

A Simple Program (write in the editor)

to square
repeat 4[FD 10 RT 90]

to spiral
repeat 36[square rt 10]

In the command line type square or type spiral. Note the programs square or spiral may have any name that you like.

A program with variables

to square_size :side
repeat 4[FD :side RT 90]]

In the command line type square_size "5 or square_size "8

Copy the following into "edsall"

to square :size
repeat 4[fd :size rt 90]

to triangle :size
repeat 3[fd :size rt 120]

to circle :size
repeat 360[fd :size rt 1]

to polygon :sides :size
repeat :sides[fd :size rt (360/:sides)]

to spiral :sides :size
repeat 36[polygon “:sides “:size rt 10]

Save and Exit
On the command line write polygon "5 "10
Does this give a pentagon?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Week 2

Activity 1: Good Robots Follow Directions
- What can robots do? How do robots move? How do they sense/feel? What would you call a set of instructions? In "computer" talk?
- What is a program?
- What does it do?
- Introduce the robots and talk about how to program them
- ACTIVITY: Program your friend
- ACTIVITY: Program the robots
- ACTIVITY: Program Battle Bots

Activity 2: What makes a robot a good driver?
- ACTIVITY: Open the boxes and attach the motors to the brick
- Motors spin - wha can the spinnng acion do with 1 motor?
- wheels make it move
- attach pieces to make a chopping arm
- What happens when you attach two motors?
- Turning - determine how turning works

Activity 3: Do robots have a sense of humor?
- Do animals have different senses than humans?
- What different sense do they have?
- What different senses to we have?
- Robotic Senses
- Touch
- Light
- Sound
- Ultrasonic/Ultrasound

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Big Trak

Big Trak is a robotic tank that was sold by Milton Bradley as a toy in 1979.

Click for more on Big Trak: